
Missouri in Flight at Amazon.Com

Missouri in Flight now available for pre-ordering at Amazon.com for 34% off the retail cover price!
This is an American kestrel (Falco sparverius). I created this photo and the majority of the photographs in my book with either a Sigma 500/4.5 EX HSM or Nikon 500/4 AF-S super telephoto lens.


Life is short

"Life is short, eat dessert first!" ~ Anonymous
This is a grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) in the St. Louis Zoo.



New Book in 2007!

I have a new book coming out in Spring 2007 entitled Missouri in Flight: The Bird Photography of Mundy Hackett. It is published by University of Missouri Press. Go to the link and check out advance praise for the book, available at online bookstores for pre-order now including Amazon.com.

Mundy Hackett is Live!

Well, I finally couldn't hold out any longer, so I too have entered the world of the Blogosphere! I have no idea how often I will post to this blog, my fairly simple goal is to use it as a portal to post updates on my photographic work, random and hopefully humorous musings on all critters great and small, and pretty much anything else I feel like sharing with the world! Upon your first visit to this arena, please continue on to my website at www.mundyhackett.com when you are done here! Cheers!

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